Saturday, July 30, 2011

Night of July 29th, 2011


James and I are in a hotel room.  Our daughter Sydney is not with us, so I am assuming we are having a night to ourselves.  The hotel room is not the best, looking pretty dingy.  While we are getting ready for bed, I see a shell crawling up the wall and freak out.  I tell James to look, and he grabs it and throws it on the bed.  He then proceeds to look in the shell and there are two gigantic spiders inside that are mostly dead.  I'm freaking out in any way possible, and James takes the spiders and throws them out of the window.

The next morning we are heading out and happen to be back in Salt Lake.  We see so many new faces there but there are a few familiar ones.  We feel out of place.  


After looking up "bug" in a dream dictionary, I found this: To see a bug in your dream, suggests that you are worried about something. It is symbolic of your anxieties and/or fears. What is literally bugging you? Consider also the popular phrase "bitten by the bug" to imply your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby.

This makes a lot of sense considering what my family is going through right now.  I am struggling to find a job, my husband's dad has to go to a nursing home even though he really can't afford it, and my husband is trying to finish up his master's degree ALL at the same time.  Time is stressful right now for us.

The being out of place in Salt Lake is very obvious to me; we are currently looking at the next place where we are to live since we do not want our daughter going to school here in Nevada.  We don't know where yet, and that uncertainty is showing up in this form of dream. 

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